Clonsilla Residential 
Landscape Architecture
Location | Fingal, Co. Dublin.
Year | 2023.
Type | Collective Housing.
Project Scope | Landscape Design.
Authors | Stephen Diamond Associates.
The comprehensive landscape design proposals aimed to integrate the proposed architectural elements with essential infrastructural aspects while enhancing the human experience and fostering a unique sense of place.

The key aspects of this project are:

1. Integrated Design:
  * Developed multi-layered proposals to harmonize architecture, vehicular and pedestrian access, cycle parking, and overall site context.
  * Emphasized the sense of place through the careful integration of public spaces, green infrastructure, play areas, plazas, and pedestrian-friendly surfaces.
 * A zonal desing approach, structured around microclimates across the site, to optimize design solutions.
 * Strategically positioned direct sunlight zones to interconnected gardens, seating areas, and terraces, providing residents and visitors with outdoor amenity spaces throughout the day.

2. Unified Spatial Arrangement:
   * Ensured alignment of landscape areas with architectural proposals, creating a cohesive environment that seamlessly blends with the surrounding context.
   * Incorporated open lawn spaces, seating areas, terraces, and pathways intertwined with buffer and perennial planting to foster community engagement and interaction.

3. User-Centric Design Considerations:
   * Prioritized user comfort and convenience by strategically placing wooden benches in south and west-oriented positions, offering comfortable gathering spots for residents and visitors alike.
   * Meticulously considered movement patterns, orientation, context, prospect, and microclimate to enhance the overall outdoor environment and ensure a pleasant experience for all stakeholders.
By meticulously addressing these aspects, the landscape design proposals aim to not only complement the proposed residential development but also create vibrant, inviting spaces that enhance the overall quality of life for residents and visitors.

Project developed and created in collaboration with Stephen Diamond Associates.
Landscape Master Plan
Section 01
Section 02
Section 04
Section 03                                                                                                                                           Section 05
Section 06                                                                                                                                                    Section 07
Roof Garden Plan.
Play Areas.

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