Strategy for Sustainable Mobility and Improvement of Public Space and Landscape Image in Meoqui City, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Location | Meoqui City, Chihuahua Mexico.
Year | 2018.
Type | Urban Design.
Project Scope | Urban and Landscape Design.
Authors | Faviola Muela, Juan Manuel Chairez & OXYMORON.
Nowadays cities suffer serious problems regarding urban development, land management, and environmental protection. Urban growth has gradually deteriorated the quality of life for its inhabitants.
The importance of implementing a sustainable mobility and landscape project arises from the city's existing need to improve urban image and quality of life. Mobility involves the movement of people from one place to another, whether by car, bicycle, public transportation, or walking. We find that Ciudad Meoqui currently needs an adequate mobility plan to meet the needs of its inhabitants. 

This project will be based on urban articulation that enhances the natural characteristics of the city through the incorporation of ecological corridors, cycle paths, the rehabilitation of the Railway route, green areas, and gathering points. The conceptual approach to green areas and those considered environmentally valuable is of great importance for urban planning and the dynamics that these spaces will generate. It is important to propose green spaces that provide environmental and social functions to the city, not only for design matters but also to propose an environmental strategy that helps capture pollutants.

Spaces such as parks, ecological corridors, squares, and areas of environmental conservation are part of the strategy to achieve the sustainability objective and will be designed to combine environmental and social functions. The integration of existing natural resources into urban and landscape design, as well as in the connection between inhabitants and their environment, is essential to seek a balance between the urban and the natural. Public spaces, green areas, and conservation zones are integral parts of the project, functioning as a net. Through analysis, natural and culturally valuable resources located in the city will be identified and integrated into the design as landmarks or compositional axes.
Project Maste Plan
Phase 1
Phase 2
Present Situation
Design Proposal

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